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Updated Community Transit Info: Vaccine and Premium Pay

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Greetings Community Transit Colleagues,

I’m pleased to share that this Thursday, April 15, all employees will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Since mid-March, more than 70% of our employees have been eligible for the vaccine. Many of you have already received your first or even second dose.

Immunization against the virus will help us protect the health and safety of each other, as well as that of our customers. If you do not already have an appointment scheduled, you can search for available appointments here:

Once you are fully vaccinated, please let your Employee Engagement representative know at (425) 348-2315 or

COVID-19 Premium Pay Extended one more time to May 1

COVID-19 Premium Pay is currently scheduled to end on April 17. In my last communication, I indicated we would continue to monitor vaccine availability to help us decide whether to extend or conclude Premium Pay on that date. I have made the decision to extend Premium Pay two more weeks, and plan to bring it to a close after May 1.

My decision is in part due to the availability of vaccines and the expanded eligibility this week to include all employees. Vaccines will make the workplace safer and the increasing vaccination rates at our agency and in our county are cause for optimism. Many of our employees have been vaccinated and we know more are planning on getting vaccinated in the coming days and weeks.

Based on public health guidance, our health and safety measures remain in place: Please continue to wear a face mask, practice social distancing and stay home if sick. We need to stay vigilant at work and at home in order to protect our families, colleagues and customers.

I want to thank our employee engagement and finance teams who have administered Premium Pay twice this past year. We are among the few transit agencies nationwide who implemented Premium Pay.  I am pleased to extend Premium Pay to recognize the employees working on base and in the field who are providing essential services.

Thank you for all you are doing to serve the community.